We do not contract with any insurance company other than Medicare. This allows us to discuss your diagnosis and treatment plan directly with you and develop the treatment that works best for you without restrictions that can be placed by insurance companies.
It means that you pay us at the time of the service. We will provide you with the codes and receipts you need to file with your insurance company. Your insurance company can tell you how they pay for out-of-network providers. Often, there is a 10% to 20% decrease in payments. However, our fees are usually lower since we are not dealing directly with insurance companies - often resulting in the patient coming out ahead.
Medicare Patients: Our policy for Medicare has not changed for many years. We have a contract with Medicare and accept their fee schedule. However, we do not accept assignment. This means you will pay us at the time of service. We will bill Medicare for you and they will reimburse you directly for the charges they cover.
We will not bill Medicare for services they do not cover with any provider. Examples of non-covered care are nail trims, callous removal (with rare exceptions), orthotics and some testing such as evoked nerve testing for neuropathy. We will advise you that these services are not covered before we provide them to you.